Iqbal Tagari

I’m Iqbal Tagari.
I’ve recently joined “The Tagari Team” and I bring enthusiasm, business savvy and commitment.
I’ve learned all the best real estate skills from the best, Pervez Tagari.
I’m a dedicated individual that has participated in volunteer community services.
I’ve been a member and I have taken leadership roles in these volunteer programs.
I have strived to do what’s best for the community.
I love soccer and I have played, enjoying the dynamics of working as a team.
I live and work in the area that I take pride in and enjoy working with a team of professionals.
I value each and every client by giving them the best and nothing less.
I believe that one of the most important traits is the ability to LISTEN…..
I’m listening, let’s talk.

Iqbal Tagari Sales Representative iqbal@thetagariteam.com Direct Line: (416) 938-3848